अनलाइन जुवामा रमाउने तर अनलाइन शिक्षा सँग घिनाउने समाज – श्रद्धेश आचार्य (English version article)
The Struggle and Unheard Reality of EdTech in Nepal: A Furious Call for Change
By Shraddhesh Acharya, Founder of EShikshalaya – Edtech Nepal
It has been a relentless battle. A constant struggle to fight for the cause of education in Nepal, especially through the powerful medium of EdTech. When I embarked on this journey in 2021, my mission was simple: to provide affordable, fast, and effective learning opportunities for every Nepali student, regardless of their background, location, or socio-economic status. But what I’ve learned over these few years is nothing short of a painful and frustrating reality.
The unfortunate truth is that we, as a society, have become entranced by the wrong elements. Instead of embracing the transformative power of online education, people in ...